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How to bring your a dog to Australia from a Group 3 country?
List of third group of countries.

I still remember two sentences that arrived in my email inbox.
“I would like to import a dog from Serbia to Australia and how much does it cost and is it possible?
Animal path is agency located in Serbia that can help with export a dog and cat to Australia or NZ.
We can successfully transport a pet from Serbia or from non-approved countries over Serbia to Australia through totally legit way .
The complete procedure paperwork, housing, quarantine and flights we can do for you.
On example :
Let’s say you bought a dog in a country on the list of non proved countries by the Australian government or belongs to group three, but for whatever reason the import documentation cant be done. we can help you there.
We can move a dog from non approved countries to Serbia and ship a dog from here.
We offer a complete process from taking over the dog, keeping it with us, import documentation, obtaining a 10-day quarantine and flight.
All this in the shortest possible way.
Here on our website you can get all the information about transporting your pet to Australia or New Zealand, please take a look section Paperwork, quarantine and flights.
Also, don’t forget to dedicate the gallery section to see pictures and comments from satisfied customers.
I still remember two sentences that arrived in my email inbox.
“how to do transport a dog from Serbia to Australia?
Animal Path is an agency located in Serbia that can help with export process a pet to Australia or New Zealand.
We can successfully transport a pet from Serbia or from non-approved countries over Serbia to Australia through totally legit way .
We can do for you complete process from documentation, customs clearance, flight and we guaranty quarantine teen days maximum in Melbourne.

On example
Let’s say you bought a dog in a country on the list of non proved countries by the Australian government or allowed country, but for whatever reason the export documentation cant be done. we can help you there.
We can offer you a complete process from taking over the dog, keeping it with us, import documentation, obtaining a 10-day quarantine and flight.
All this in the shortest possible way.
Here on our website you can get all the information about transporting your pet to Australia or New Zealand, please take a look section Paperwork, quarantine and flights.
Also, don’t forget to dedicate the gallery section to see pictures and comments from satisfied customers.

How do I import a dog into Australia? What is required to import a dog into Australia from non-approved countries? Can I get a 10 day quarantine when importing a pet into Australia?
How to move a pet into Australia? How to import a pet from non-approved countries to New Zealand ?
These are just some of the questions to which we have an answers.
We can successfully transport a pet from Serbia or from non-approved countries to Australia. The complete procedure paperwork, housing and flights we can do for you.
If you bought a dog in a country where the dog is stuck and cannot be transported to you in Australia, we can take the dog, register it in Serbia and complete new documentation in the regular procedure.
here on our website you can get all the information about transporting your pet to Australia or New Zealand, please take a look section Paperwork, quarantine and flights.
Also, don’t forget to dedicate the gallery section to see pictures and comments from satisfied customers.
The entire process of customs clearance, loading the animal onto the flight was monitored and recorded by our staff.

Transporting dogs to Australia involves adhering to strict biosecurity measures and regulations. Here’s an outline of the process:
Working papers for importing dogs to Australia are a complex matter and require accurate dates .The whole point is in the dates of treatment, disease tests and as well as the expiration date of given vaccines.
Research and Preparation:
Check Eligibility: Ensure your dog is eligible to enter Australia by reviewing the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) website –
Approved Countries: Your dog must be from an approved country. The requirements vary depending on whether the country is in Group 1, 2, or 3.
Your dog must be microchipped with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip.
Ensure your dog is up-to-date with all required vaccinations, including rabies.
Rabies vaccination must be administered no less than 30 days and no more than 12 months before export.
Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titre Test (RNATT):
Conduct an RNATT at least 180 days and no more than 24 months before export. The test must show a rabies antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml.
Import Permit:
Apply for an import permit from DAFF, which includes providing details of your dog’s health and travel arrangements.
Dogs must undergo a minimum 10-day quarantine upon arrival in Australia at the Mickleham Post Entry Quarantine facility in Melbourne.
Veterinary Treatments and Health Certification:
Dogs must receive treatments for internal and external parasites before export. Obtain a health certificate from an official government veterinarian within 5 days of export.
Transport Arrangements:
Book transport with an airline approved to carry pets to Australia.
Ensure the dog travels in an IATA-approved crate.
Pre-export Check:
Conduct a final veterinary check within 5 days of export to confirm the dog is fit to travel. Arrival in Australia:
Upon arrival, your dog will be transported to the quarantine facility. After completing the quarantine period, you can collect your dog or arrange for delivery to your home.
For detailed and updated information, always refer to the DAFF website
Transporting dogs to Australia involves adhering to strict biosecurity measures and regulations. Here’s an outline of the process:
Working papers for importing dogs to Australia are a complex matter and require accurate dates .The whole point is in the dates of treatment, disease tests and as well as the expiration date of given vaccines.
Research and Preparation:
Check Eligibility: Ensure your dog is eligible to enter Australia by reviewing the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) website –
Approved Countries: Your dog must be from an approved country. The requirements vary depending on whether the country is in Group 1, 2, or 3.
Your dog must be microchipped with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip.
Ensure your dog is up-to-date with all required vaccinations, including rabies.
Rabies vaccination must be administered no less than 30 days and no more than 12 months before export.
Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titre Test (RNATT):
Conduct an RNATT at least 180 days and no more than 24 months before export. The test must show a rabies antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml.
Import Permit:
Apply for an import permit from DAFF, which includes providing details of your dog’s health and travel arrangements.
Dogs must undergo a minimum 10-day quarantine upon arrival in Australia at the Mickleham Post Entry Quarantine facility in Melbourne.
Veterinary Treatments and Health Certification:
Dogs must receive treatments for internal and external parasites before export. Obtain a health certificate from an official government veterinarian within 5 days of export.
Transport Arrangements:
Book transport with an airline approved to carry pets to Australia.
Ensure the dog travels in an IATA-approved crate.
Pre-export Check:
Conduct a final veterinary check within 5 days of export to confirm the dog is fit to travel. Arrival in Australia:
Upon arrival, your dog will be transported to the quarantine facility. After completing the quarantine period, you can collect your dog or arrange for delivery to your home.
For detailed and updated information, always refer to the DAFF website

Postoje brojna pitanja a vezana za putovanje u Australiju sa kucnim ljubimcem.
Kako da transportujem psa za Australiju?
Radi li neko u Srbiji transport pasa za Australiju?
Koliko traje dobijanje svih potrebnih dokumenata za transportovanje psa za Australiju?Moze li neko umesto mene da uradi potrebna dokumenta za transport psa do Austraije ili Novog Zelanda.
Moze li kucni ljubimac za Australiju da putuje istim letom kao I vlasnik?
Odovor je mozda ,ukoliko vi rezervisete kartu isti dan kad kad I za njega I ako letite u Melburn.
Ako se ovo I dogodi vas ljubimac svakako mora ostati u karantinu u melburnu. U ovom slucaju od Beograda do Melburna I narednih trideset ili deset dana necete moci voditi svog kucnog ljubimca kuci.
Sta je sve potrebno uraditi da moj bi pas ili macka mogli da lete za Australiju?
Proces prpreme potrebne dokumentacije tj ” karantinskog perioda ” traje sedam do osam meseci.
Od pravilno popunjenog pasosa, urdjenih pregleda,testova, tretmana ,uvozna dozvola ,karantin,carina,let do datuma koji se moraju postovati I poklapati onako kako je to proisano zakonom.
Sve ovo mora biti uradjeno I overeno kod veterinarskog drzavnog inspektora
Australiska vlada je jako rigorozna po pitanju papirologije I samog stanja psa.
Recimo da ukoliko fali neki pecat, I ako ih vec ima blizu 80 ili ako fali neki dokument ,svaki email I zahtev od Australiske vlade za dopunu kosta papreno.
Recimo da na psu pronadju krpelja,psa mogu uspavati I naplatiti debelo.
Ako nemate iskustva sa ovim pronadjite nekoga ko ima.
Moze li se poslati kucni ljubimac I Bosne ,Crne Gore I iz drugih zemalja za Australiju?
Neke zemlje nisu na listi povoljnih zemalja za izvoz zivotinja u Australiju.
Svakako da je Srbija na listi drzava koje mogu da izvoze zivotinje u Australiju I zbog toga cesto se desava da ljudi salju svoje ljubimce iz Srbije I ako ne zive ovde.
Postoji li agencija koja moze poslati ili transportovati psa za Australiju?
Od 2025 godine veliki broj Avio kompanija je ukinulo slanje kucnih ljubimaca od strane fizickih lica vec to mora biti firma registrovana za to.
Postoji li neko ko moze uraditi potrebne papire za transport kucnih ljubimca za Australiju ?
Na pravom ste mestu.
Mi smo registorvana kompanija koja uspesno vec 3 godine izradjuje kompletnu dokumentaciju za transport pasa u Australiju I daje usluge karantinskog perioda.
Mi smo izvozna agencija koja uspesno radi u partnerstvu sa uvoznim agencijama u Australiji.
Unajmljivanje uvozne agencije u Australiji da za vas odradi uvoznu dokumentaciju naplacuje svoje usluge oko 2000 dolara.
Mi vam mozemo ponuditi pribliznu cenu ali da mi uradimo kompletna dokumenta a vase je samo da aplicirate za uvoznu dozvolu online a kasnije I za karantin.
Ukoliko se opredelite za nase usluge transporta recimo pasa u Australiju ili Novi Zeland mi vam znacajno mozemo ustedeti novac.
Mi garantujemo 10 dana karantin a ne 30 .
Dobijanje deset dana karantina ima dve dobre strane,prva je pas nece boraviti usamljen viso od 10 dana a druga je skoro tri put ce vas manje kostati.
30 dana kosta oko 3800 dolara a 10 dana karantina 1500 dolara.
Nase usluge se krecu od 1500 do 2000 eur u zavisnosti od aranzmana koji napravimo.
Nemojte lutati ,pozovite nas ili poslajite email iz kontakt forme sa sajta , izacicemo vam u susret svakako sa najboljom mogucom ponudom u tom trenutku.